
BREAKING: Varadker Quits!

Another globalist stooge like Jacinda Ahern of New Zealand, Nicola Sturgeon of Scotland and Sauna Marine of Finland, knowing the jig is up, quits politics -

Who do you think will replace him, Cobheney? The guy who wants 500 million Africans in Ireland by 2040?

Nah - it'll be that ditzy blonde McEntee whose Father topped himself - so she took up his mantle, as is the Irish tradition.

Along with her becoming party leader of Fine Gael AND dragging her Hate Speech Law in with her.

Coveney's got his eyes on a commissionership in the EU body that he hopes will give him a leg-up to join the Bilderberg set permanently.

He has fuck all interest left in Urrland anyway, but.

And fix the fucking name on the thread title and OP, you dribbling little moron.
Nah - it'll be that ditzy blonde McEntee whose Father topped himself - so she took up his mantle, as is the Irish tradition.

Along with her becoming party leader of Fine Gael AND dragging her Hate Speech Law in with her.

Coveney's got his eyes on a commissionership in the EU body that he hopes will give him a leg-up to join the Bilderberg set permanently.

He has fuck all interest left in Urrland anyway, but.
And fix the fucking name on the thread title and OP, you dribbling little moron.
To what, Vlad?
Nah - it'll be that ditzy blonde McEntee whose Father topped himself - so she took up his mantle, as is the Irish tradition.
I'm not sure that I one hundred percent agree with your detective work there Mowl. I mean, she's widely considered the bim.. eh, "incompetent" in Ireland and believe it or not, the anti-free speech stuff really isn't popular (despite what roc_abilly roc_abilly would tell you)

Along with her becoming party leader of Fine Gael AND dragging her Hate Speech Law in with her.

Coveney's got his eyes on a commissionership in the EU body that he hopes will give him a leg-up to join the Bilderberg set permanently.

He has fuck all interest left in Urrland anyway, but.

And fix the fucking name on the thread title and OP, you dribbling little moron.
I'm not sure that I one hundred percent agree with your detective work there Mowl. I mean, she's widely considered the bim.. eh, "incompetent" in Ireland and believe it or not, the anti-free speech stuff really isn't popular (despite what roc_abilly roc_abilly would tell you)

From the moment she took over her aul-fella's gig, she's been soft-soaped by her own party and I didn't hear Fianna Fail mouth off too loudly about her either. Her star rose pretty fucking fast all things considered and I believe a lot of it is down to people sympathizing with the impact her Da's suicide had on her, so they tended not to strangle her too tightly up until now.

If Coveney does go after the gig, he'll get it. But only as a stepping stone into his dream gig with the WEF. Simple Simon hasn't a fucking clue what's going on any more today than he did three or ten years ago. His baby was/is the children's hospital - which has gone so far over budget the only comparative reference they have for it is the national debt. Shift Simon in and the bill for the kid's hospital will be centre stage along with him.

I'd say the disaster that is Ireland importing the losers of the world to live in tents up and down the country is an issue Varadkar wants to get away from pronto. That stabbing on Parnell Square? The perpetrator hasn't been dragged up to face justice yet, but regardless: they're be more incidents of that nature happening at a quicker pace than it is today that likely freaks the fuck out of Leo.

Tent villages and shanty towns in Dublin city centre?

Under Leo's watch?

You're damned fucking right he wants to leggit while he can - and he can use the Bertie line on it too: 'it was grand when I left it..'
From the moment she took over her aul-fella's gig, she's been soft-soaped by her own party and I didn't hear Fianna Fail mouth off too loudly about her either. Her star rose pretty fucking fast all things considered and I believe a lot of it is down to people sympathizing with the impact her Da's suicide had on her, so they tended not to strangle her too tightly up until now.

If Coveney does go after the gig, he'll get it. But only as a stepping stone into his dream gig with the WEF. Simple Simon hasn't a fucking clue what's going on any more today than he did three or ten years ago. His baby was/is the children's hospital - which has gone so far over budget the only comparative reference they have for it is the national debt. Shift Simon in and the bill for the kid's hospital will be centre stage along with him.

I'd say the disaster that is Ireland importing the losers of the world to live in tents up and down the country is an issue Varadkar wants to get away from pronto. That stabbing on Parnell Square? The perpetrator hasn't been dragged up to face justice yet, but regardless: they're be more incidents of that nature happening at a quicker pace than it is today that likely freaks the fuck out of Leo.

Tent villages and shanty towns in Dublin city centre?

Under Leo's watch?

You're damned fucking right he wants to leggit while he can - and he can use the Bertie line on it too: 'it was grand when I left it..'
Jaze, yeah, Bertrand.

I remember being in town one day (when he was Taoiseach) and he comes walking down the street, bit of security around him (fair enough) and there were people, members of the public, literally following him, there goes a great man, they cried! He had them eating out of the psalm of his hand
Jaze, yeah, Bertrand.

I remember being in town one day (when he was Taoiseach) and he comes walking down the street, bit of security around him (fair enough) and there were people, members of the public, literally following him, there goes a great man, they cried! He had them eating out of the psalm of his hand

I met that little cunt Willie O'Dea the same way: working at Sheehan's pub on Chatham Street (repairing some exterior calligraphy a tagger fucked up) and he stopped to watch me: then he pied up with some lame line like:

'Jaze, you wouldn't want to be havin' a hangover doin' that job, wha'?'

I casually replied:

'You're even less significant in real life than you are on the fucking telly..'

His henchmen weren't too impressed, the whole bar started laughing.
I met that little cunt Willie O'Dea the same way: working at Sheehan's pub on Chatham Street (repairing some exterior calligraphy a tagger fucked up) and he stopped to watch me: then he pied up with some lame line like:

'Jaze, you wouldn't want to be havin' a hangover doin' that job, wha'?'

I casually replied:

'You're even less significant in real life than you are on the fucking telly..'

His henchmen weren't too impressed, the whole bar started laughing.
Willie O'Dea is a cute hoor (as my mother used to call all politicians) though with a whiff of which way the wind is blowing -

Cuchies call everyone hoors.

Just look at Val Martin.
My mother was a culchie, she was the only one of the four siblings who lived in Dublin, well my uncle lived in London for quite a while (managing a small hotel on the Seven Sisters) before moving back and they were all beside each other. The main place we visited was one of her sister's, the farm. Not really far from Dublin but a really rural setting. I know all about farms from a very young age.
My mother was a culchie, she was the only one of the four siblings who lived in Dublin, well my uncle lived in London for quite a while (managing a small hotel on the Seven Sisters) before moving back and they were all beside each other.

By that statement I'm half culchie/half jackeen.

Dad's from The Rock Of Cashel and Mam's from the Liberties.

But having grown up next to the river before moving up to Ballyer, I hated both sides equally - north and south. Just as I despised the catholic/protestant divide. And the churches that oversaw and encouraged it. Ever heard a catholic priest request his flock at Sunday mass asking them to desist from stoking the fire of that divide? Fuck no: they use anything they can to have their disciples think they're the righteous ones. The prods even more so: Paisley addressed any and every question on the matter with an almost violent response of disgust and loathing.

The main place we visited was one of her sister's, the farm. Not really far from Dublin but a really rural setting. I know all about farms from a very young age.

Culchies always picked England.

Jackeens, America.
By that statement I'm half culchie/half jackeen.

Dad's from The Rock Of Cashel and Mam's from the Liberties.

But having grown up next to the river before moving up to Ballyer, I hated both sides equally - north and south. Just as I despised the catholic/protestant divide. And the churches that oversaw and encouraged it. Ever heard a catholic priest request his flock at Sunday mass asking them to desist from stoking the fire of that divide? Fuck no: they use anything they can to have their disciples think they're the righteous ones. The prods even more so: Paisley addressed any and every question on the matter with an almost violent response of disgust and loathing.

Culchies always picked England.

Jackeens, America.
Well you're a Dub, really.

I had it all. The farmhouse itself was enchanting, it was like an antique, I loved it actually. I could tell you a lot of stories, childhood memories.
Well you're a Dub, really.

Nah, if anything - I'm more Finnish than anything else.

Irish blood, Nordic heart.

I had it all. The farmhouse itself was enchanting, it was like an antique, I loved it actually. I could tell you a lot of stories, childhood memories.

Well, I've catalogued and filed away the tales my Nanny told me about the family farm right under the Rock Of Cashel. It was their postal address too, I have holiday postcards my Dad sent to his Mam written in ink with a fountain pen. THAT'S how old they are. Nanny was attacked one time by a Black and Tan bastard who walked into the coup to grab a chicken for lunch but found my nanny inside collecting the eggs. He kicked the basket clean out of her hands and stuck his rifle up into her face. She backed out of the shed and into the light, and when the bastard saw she was just a child, he kicked the eggs up into the air and then stomped on them and took a chicken anyway.

Romantic tales they may be today, but in reality everything she told me is more or less what you fuckers have to deal with today.

Ireland will never grow up - she'll always be a big fat dumb spoiled brat child.

With scabies.
They're even trying to drag simple Simon into the frame.

The look on his face at the announcement outside Leinster House was priceless:

Made me think of this guy:

Of course, simple Simon's been around for a while even if he is the baby-faced long-termer of the gang.

When they trot him out to make his bid for the leadership, they'll need a massive paint roller to cover up the eye-watering costs of the world's most expensive hospital ever built being projected onto the wall behind him. Ireland's great at that sort of thing: if you're gonna get into debt, then do it large. Ireland needs to feel she's part of something bigger than she is alone, so when the national debt was dragged into the spotlight, it was the biggest world debt the planet has ever seen.

Now you have the children's hospital, and it's not even nearly ready.

What sort of staff will they be hiring, I wonder?

Pakistanis? Indians? Croatians? African? Irish? Nah - the Irish ones suck the fees out of the state to pay their way for them and as soon as they graduate, off to Canada, America, Australia. Anywhere they speak English and have some degree of respect for medical staff. Ireland has none. The only doctors that matter are the faceless ones sitting on the top of the HSE pile-up.

Gosh, this is all very upsetting for my happiness.

Maybe I'd better move on, going forward, draw a line in the sand, turn that corner. We all partied, and there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes when you've given it all you can, you have to stop and take stock and realize you're not the right man for the job.

I'm far too happy here in Finland to allow myself be distracted by your miseries.

Maybe I should take a walk out among the world's happiest people: the Finns.

And me.

How about you, Jambo?

Feeling any happiness at all today?

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