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  • Users: Thor
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  1. Thor

    The Music Thread

  2. Thor

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. You've been warned bro!
  3. Thor


    The Japs attacked us first. So we kicked their asses.
  4. Thor


    We kicked Japan's ass. USA #1
  5. Thor

    The Music Thread

    No way bro, America is awesome. We saved your asses twice from communism in two world wars
  6. Thor

    The Music Thread

    America kicks ass!
  7. Thor

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    All-American girls exercising their Second Amendment rights like good patriots. Uncle Joe Biden and his socialist gun control cronies will have to wrestle these ladies guns from their cold, dead hands. You've been warned. Don't fuck with patriotic Americans. Give me liberty, or give me death...
  8. Thor

    What is the American Dream?

    No way pal. America kicks friggin ass! America is the Land of the Free. The land of milk and honey. Where a man can pull himself up by his own bootstraps and become wealthy too. Commie Eurotrash hate this about America. These Eurotrash jerks hate our freedom and prosperity. They envy our...
  9. Thor

    What is the American Dream?

    USA #1 🇺🇲
  10. Thor

    What is the American Dream?

    This is a question I once put to my pupil, Dan. He was new to America at the time so still unsure about how things worked. This was when I took Dan under my wing. WHAT IS THE AMERICAN DREAM? I ask Dan. I'll tell you what the American Dream is, I said. In America any man can become...
  11. Thor

    The Music Thread

    Doritos, Deicide and kicking ass in Quake 2. Fuck yeah bro! USA #1 motherfuckers
  12. Thor

    Marxachusetts sucks

    https://www.google.ie/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/massachusetts-adopts-new-sex-education-guidelines-moves-more-inclusive-lgbtq-community.amp This is not what education is supposed to be. What will the Dumbocrats think or next!? It's time to bring back home schooling. These jerks have no right to...
  13. Thor

    Who'll be president of the USA in 2024?

    I fear nothing. Fear is for pussies.
  14. Thor

    Who'll be president of the USA in 2024?

    Bro, why all the hate for America? Is it because Eurotrash hate our freedoms? What happens if some jerk breaks into your house? You guys got no way to defend yourself. Break into my house!?
  15. Thor

    Who'll be president of the USA in 2024?

    Only Commies and Terrorists hate America
  16. Thor

    Who'll be president of the USA in 2024?

    https://www.google.ie/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/shows/meetthepress/blog/rcna102457 Uncle Joe Biden and his crooked Commies in the Courts trying to put Trump behind bars. Ain't gonna happen buddy. Trump will win this battle. And he'll win the battle again in 2024. It's morning in America...
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